Universitat Rovira i Virgili

About us

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MINOS research group was created in 1994 and belongs to the Department of Electronic, Electric and Automatic Engineering (DEEEA) of URV. You can find us at the Electrical, Engineering and Computer Science Faculty (ETSE). The group comprises 12 researchers, including full and associate professors, PhD students, post-doctorate researchers and technical staff.

Our research is structured in three main areas:

The first one is devoted to the design, fabrication and characterization of chemical microsystems, especially gas sensors arrays, microconcentrators and microreactors.
The second area consists on the development of applications of multisensor gas systems and GC-MS equipment in gas detection and aroma classification.
The third one is an emerging field for the group and is devoted to the development of signal processing algorithms and expert system techniques to treat metabolomic and proteomic bio-signals from mass spectrometry or NMR devices.

Our group is financed by the European Commission, the Spanish and Catalan research agencies, and private companies. Innovation derived from research results is an important goal for our team. MINOS has a great reputation in Europe, and is one of the best-ranked groups at URV. We've recently obtained the accreditation of Quality Research Group from the Catalan Research Agency.